Friday, May 31, 2013

God is One

Shri Swami Samarth

The Swami himself said that he came from the kardali forest and he reputedly visited places like puri, benaras, hardwar, girnar, kathiawad and rameswaram as well as china, tibet and nepal, and stayed at mangalvedha, a town near Pandharpur  in Solapur district, before settling down in Akkalkot. He came to Akkalkot in 1856 at the invitation of Chintopant Tol and stayed there on the outskirts of the town for twentytwo years. He lived atGanagapura, Karnataka for a long time where he delivered the Nirguna Padukas to his disciples and devotees before leaving for the Kardali forest.

It is popularly believed that his predecessor Shri Narasimha Swami went to Kardali and entered samadhi. He remained entranced for 3 hundred years: an anthill grew over him. 1 day accidentally a woodcutter cleared the anthill and found the yogi in meditation who resumed his teaching as Swami Samarth.

Shankar Maharaj

Shankar Maharaj was a perfect master in the tradition of Nath Siddhas.
Different stories are told about the birth and early life of Shankar Maharaj. But the following story of his birth and initiation by his guru appears to be most authentic, having been told by Maharaj himself to his prime disciple Dr. Nagesh Dhaneshwar of Nagar, about 200 kms from Pune.

Once Dr. Dhaneshwar asked Maharaj his age. Instead of answering, he asked him to judge his age from physical examination since he was a medical doctor.

Dr. Dhaneshwar judged his age to be more than 125 years. Maharaj agreed with him and told him that he was born in about 1800 at Mangalwedha (near Pandharpur) in the family named Upasani.
He used to be a very naughty boy. Once, when he was seven to eight years old, he went chasing a deer. The deer entered the forests on the banks of the river Chandrabhaga towards a place called Machnur.He followed it and soon reached a Shiva temple. When he was about to shoot the arrow a large sanyasi came, lifted the deer and held it in his arms .He said “My child, why do you kill the innocent animals? If you want to hunt, hunt wild animals, but don’t kill this” nevertheless he shot the arrow at the deer in the sanyasi’s arms. It hit him but became blunt aad fell down. Another arrow also met the same fate.he become confused but the sanyasi smiled, kept the deer down, came near and fondled him. Thus Maharaj got “ Sparshdiksha” or initiation by touch of the Yogi, who was no other than swami samarth at akkalkot. Maharaj stayed with him for six months during which he gave him all knowledge and instructed him to go on pilgrimage.
He went to the Himalayas where he did a very hard penance .On returning from there he spent his time with Siddha-Yogis in and around Vriddheshwar (near Nagar) which is known as the center for meditation of several Nath Siddhas in the past. Maharaj remembered having received Dakshina from Peshwas hands in Shanniwarwada in Pune, the seat of Peshwas rule. After the British took over Pune, he met a British Collector who developed a faith in Maharaj and considered him his Spiritual guide.
He took Maharaj to England where he stayed for ten years teaching the yoga path to this British officer.
Being asked by Dr. Dhaneshwar whether this is how he is able to speak such good English, he said, “ No Doctor, he who understand the principle which is beyond the source of all languages and who becomes one with it, knows any language, even the language of animals and birds. He becomes the energy itself therefore he is able to decifer the vibration. I understand the English language perfectly .I have read complete Shakespeare .He had rich experiences of life. Among his plays, I Like Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello and Romeo-Juliet.”
One can surmise therefore that at the time of samadhi Maharaj was about 150 years old. It is not clear when Maharaj came to Maharastra, Pune in particular. From the biography of Dr. Dhaneshwar who was born in 1899, it is seen that Maharaj met him at Nagar when he was a schoolboy, that must have been around 1910 when Maharaj was already past hundred .He used to move frequently between Nagar, Pune, Solapur and Akluj, also visiting in places with shri dattatreya influence like Gangapur, Narsobawadi, Mahurgad and Girnar.Wherever he went he attracted devotees.
In appearance Maharaj is described as ‘Ashtavakra’ or bent in eight places. Maharaj had a short stature, but was "Ajunubahu" or having long hands reaching below his knees. Most noticeable were his large and bright eyes and a child like expression on his face. In later years he had a beard .He often had a brandy bottle in his hand and a hunter whip with him. He used to address people by the swear words, but without malice. It was believed that if Maharaj rebuked anybody he got rid of misfortunes. He used to talk with lisp which was due to his unusually long tongue. The immense kindness and compassion of Maharaj were consistent with his being a Nath Panthi in the Guru tradition.
According to what Dr. Dhaneshwar told "The aim of a Nath Panthi is to help people without bothering about his own personal liberation. Because of the compassion for all living, he takes birth again and again all over the earth in all communities and not necessarily ordained as a Nath Panthi during that birth. It is because of such selfless liberated souls that the fabric of human society is maintained."
Maharaj did not stay long at any single place. He used to move from devotee to devotee. He was fond of smoking honeydew (popularly known as Pilo hatthi) cigrattes. He was also fond of drinking brandy and appeared to be often intoxicated. He used to like the scent (attar) of hina and loved music.
Maharaj used to drink with a purpose. His drunken appearance helped him in keeping unwanted people away. Only those people who saw Maharaj beyond the external looks could come to him. There are instances when Maharaj drank and another person nearby got drunk. Some people to whom Maharaj gave a brandy glass and asked them to drink it told later it was not liquor but nice tasting coconut water. Maharaj was fond of wearing rings and jewels but he could throw them or give to others easily.
The life of Shankar Maharaj has been full of miracles he performed to help his devotees. Such miracles are associated with many Yogis. The miracle includes the knowledge of past and future events, creation of matter going from one place to another instantly, being at several places at the one time, feeding a multitude from the small quantity of food and so on. Maharaj did these miracles to instill faith in them and to draw people to spiritual path. Maharaj had said, "I am a slave of the simple and teach lessons to the scoundrels. I am the blotting paper of egotistic persons. I cannot tolerate ego. I suck it out."
Maharaj had large number of devotees and disciples world over. Dr Dhaneshwar, Maj. Abhyankar and his son Dattareya , Raobahadur Navale from all from Nagar; G.K Pradhan and Keshavbhai Asher from Mumbai, Raosaheb Mehendale and his wife Taisaheb, Vasudev Pandit, Baburao Rudra, Mamasaheb Dhekane, Yellubahi and Gosavi all from Pune, Mr.Girme and Mr. Vasant Kulkarni from Akluj, are some of well known names from the large family of disciples. Maharaj gave spiritual guidance to millions, who are evolving spiritually under his protection even today. Dr Dhaneshwar was his principle disciple. According to Maharaj, their association was for more than six hundred years. Being Nath Panthis in the earlier births also and closely connected to Gahininath. Maharaj had shown him the place where he i.e. Dr Dhaneshwar used to do sadhana in the caves in the Vrishdheshwar hills near Nagar in the previous birth .He was a very capable person and Maharaj gave him all his knowledge. Maharaj first appeared before Dr Dhaneshwar when the latter was a schoolboy but the real training started just after his Graduation in medicine. Maharaj used to visit him often and throw things around. This used to make the doctor angry. One Day, Maharaj scattered some importance articles here and there. Doctor, who was under tension due to personal worries asked Maharaj to leave and when he did not, pushed him down the stairs. As a result of this outburst the doctor became unconscious.
When the doctor recovered from unconsciousness he found his head was on Maharaj’s lap and Maharaj was gently caressing his head with love of a mother. At that moment he suddenly realised the real nature of Maharaj. He realised that the Guru’s love is deeper than mother’s love. From that moment he completely surrendered to Maharaj.
Raosaheb Balwantrao Mehendale who was a barrister and his wife Taisaheb Mehendale were also close disciples of Maharaj . One of his friends Sardar Mirikar was instrumental in bringing Raosaheb to Maharaj.
Maharaj initiated Tai Saheb and asked her to give discourses on Dnyaneshwari (an exposition on Geeta). The Mehendale couple left Bombay and settled in Pune in their ancestoral house Mehendalewada at the Appa Balwant Chowk in Pune. Spiritual programs like the discourses, bhajans and kirtans were held in Mehendalewada which became a center of solace for people who were frustrated in life and needed a relief. These discourses from Taisaheb used to impart deeper bliss to the listeners and they used to feel the meaning of their life being unfolded. It was as if Shri Shankar Maharaj was speaking through her, for he had already told that
“I myself cannot give discourse. I need some intelligent person with pure mind”
This incident of giving darshan of the desired deity was unique. Sir Chunilal Mehta, once Governor of Bombay Presidency in British Raj was a close friend of Raosaheb Mehendale. He was a a kind natured person and scholar, well versed in both Western and Indian literature. He used to attend the discourses in Mehendalewada. One day he told Raosaheb that inspite of his vast reading, travelling all over India visiting holy places, he felt something was lacking in his life. This was just before Taisaheb’s discourse on Dnyaneshwari was to start. The stanzas Taisaheb had selected that day related to seeing manifested God. Sir Chunilal was considerably influenced and said that he wanted to experience something like that. Raosaheb took him next day to meet Maharaj who was at that time in Mama Dhekne’s house. Maharaj was as usual reclining on a cushion, laughing and talking to himself. Lady Mehta sat with Taisaheb on ground. Sir Chunilal stood and did namaskar to Maharaj. Raosaheb spoke to Maharaj and told him that Sir Chunilal had come with his wife to meet him. Maharaj first ignored him and then fixed his eyes on Sir Chunilal who instantly went into a deep trance, tears started flowing from his eyes. And then Sir Chunilal ran to Maharaj and fell on his feet making them moist with the tears.
Lady Mehta was also in a similar condition. Sir Chunilal later told that in those moments Lord Vishnu his personal deity had appeared before him. Sir Chunilal was still in trance for a long time. The feeling of incompleteness left Sir Chunilal permanently. Thereafter Sir Chunilal continued to remain in that internal trance state. He never went any more on pilgrimage to holy places. A few months before taking samadhi Maharaj had chosen the present site. It was a farmland owned by one Mr. Malpani who had agreed to give him the land. A few days before the samadhi, Maharaj told to his devotees, who had gathered at Mama Dhekne's house, "These clothes have become old. They must be discarded." everybody realized he was referring to his body and not real clothes. He then asked them to gather there after four days and that he would make 'khichdi' for them. Four days later, when they gathered at Mama Dhekne's house, Maharaj himself cooked the 'khichdi' and distributed it. Then Maharaj said, "Dnyaneshwari is not to be read. One must live by it. This world has been saved only by the advice of the Saints and Dnyaneshwari He who fills his life with Dnyaneshwari will surely have a happy life. I have nothing more to say." And with that he bid good-bye to those who had gathered, except Dr. Dhaneshwar, Gosavi, Dnyananath, Mehendale couple, Mama and Mami Dhekne. He said, "For Yogis and liberated persons, samadhi should be taken at an auspicious time. This time is coming on Vaishakh Suddha Ashtami. I am going to deposit this material body in the ground that day."
During the next ten days or so, Maharaj broke all outside contacts. Only the usual group used to visit him at Mama Dhekne's house. Not a word was spoken. On the seventh day, that is the day before the samadhi, he told Mami," Give me just a cup of tea. Inside the shelf spread a small mattress and keep a cushion. I am going to take bath and sit here. I don't want to speak a word nor meet anyone. The door should not be opened." And they did accordingly. Mama and Mami were sitting the whole night in front of the shelf keeping watch. At four o'clock in the morning voice came from inside the shelf, "Make further arrangements. Take care of this material body. This flame of Dnyanadeo is now leaving it".
It was April 24th 1947. People gathered to have a last sight of the body of the Master. Next day around noon the body was taken in procession to the place and by the route indicated by Maharaj. Ground was dug at the indicated place for the body. About five o'clock in the evening the body was interred and in no time only a mound of garlands was all that could be seen. An unusual thing about Maharaj has been that even after samadhi he visits his devotees Most visits have been out of a need to save them from calamities or to give guidance.

JESUS CHRIST, one of the MOST FAMOUS figures in history, was a Prophet, Teacher, Healed Sick People, Performed Exorcisms and Miracles, Proclaimed the SON OF GOD, Betrayed by his OWN Disciple and was CRUCIFIED and DIED all by the age of 33!
JESUS CHRIST, one of the MOST FAMOUS figures in history, was a Prophet, Teacher, Healed Sick People, Performed Exorcisms and Miracles, Proclaimed the SON OF GOD, Betrayed by his OWN Disciple and was CRUCIFIED and DIED all by the age of 33!JESUS CHRIST, one of the MOST FAMOUS figures in history, was a Prophet, Teacher, Healed Sick People, Performed Exorcisms and Miracles, Proclaimed the SON OF GOD, Betrayed by his OWN Disciple and was CRUCIFIED and DIED all by the age of 33!

JESUS CHRIST, one of the MOST FAMOUS figures in history, was a Prophet, Teacher, Healed Sick People, Performed Exorcisms and Miracles, Proclaimed the SON OF GOD, Betrayed by his OWN Disciple and was CRUCIFIED and DIED all by the age of 33!
Jesus Christ, also called Jesus of Nazareth, was born on December 25, 4 B.C. in Bethlehem. Jesus was a teacher and prophet, whose teachings form the basis of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus is the SON OF GOD and "Christ" (the Chosen One, prophesied in the Old Testament). Jesus was considered both God and man and the Messiah sent by God to save the human race from "sins" it inherited originally from the "evils" of Adam and Eve.
The Four Gospels of the Bible say that Jesus had a "miracle" birth in Bethlehem and was conceived by the Virgin Mary through the power of God. Jesus was raised by Mary and her husband, Joseph.  At a young age, Jesus amazed his teachers with his vast knowledge at the Temple in Jerusalem. He became a teacher and prophet and even foretold his own death. His followers were called "apostles." Jesus and the apostles toured Palestine preaching the gospel of God, healing sick people, performing exorcisms and many miracles. He believed in the acceptance of the oppressed and the poor into the Kingdom of God and had many followers and fans, but also had vicious enemies and non-believers.
Jesus was causing havoc and problems for the Romans and the Jews. Pontius Pilate, the Roman Perfect of Judea, condemned Jesus and ordered, with the prompting of the Jewish authorities, the CRUCIFIXION of Jesus.  On the "Last Supper," Jesus ate the last meal with his disciples before his death. At the Last Supper, Jesus said the famous line, "Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me."  He then told the apostles to eat his bread and wine, which were symbols of his body and blood.   The betrayer turned out to be Judas, one of his 12 Apostles. The Romans, who were the rulers at the time, sentenced Jesus to be crucified. At the age of 33, JESUS CHRIST WAS CRUCIFIED and DIED ON THE CROSS.
Christians say that Jesus Christ was recurrected 3 days after dying, proving that Jesus was DIVINE. The day that Jesus was crucified is called "Good Friday" and the day he was resurrected is called "Easter."  Christians believe that JESUS CHRIST made SALVATION possible for the "SINNERS."
Jesus Christ is a popular figure throughout history, with art and music masterpieces centered on the theme of Christ. Among them, Ludwig van Beethoven  composed the powerful Oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives," George Frederick Handel wrote the brilliant Oratorio "Messiah" and Leonardo Da Vinci painted the masterpiece "Last Supper," based on Jesus Christ's last meal with his apostles. 
Most of Jesus’ life is told through the four Gospels of the New Testament Bible, known as the Canonical gospels, written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These are not biographies in the modern sense but accounts with allegorical intent. They are written to engender faith in Jesus as the Messiah and the incarnation of God, who came to teach, suffer and die for people’s sins.
Jesus was born between 2 and 6 BCE, in Bethlehem, Judea. His mother, Mary, was a virgin who was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter. Christians believe Jesus was born through Immaculate Conception. His lineage can be traced back to the house of David. According to the Gospel of Matthew (2:1), Jesus was born during the reign of Herod the Great, who upon hearing of his birth felt threatened and tried to kill Jesus by ordering all of Bethlehem’s male children under age two to be killed. But Joseph was warned by an angel and took Mary and the child to Egypt until Herod’s death, where upon he brought the family back and settled in the town of Nazareth, in Galilee.
There is very little written about Jesus’ early life. The Gospel of Luke (2:41-52) recounts that a 12-year-old Jesus had accompanied his parents on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem and became separated. He was found several days later in a temple, discussing affairs with some of Jerusalem’s elders. Throughout the New Testament, there are trace references of Jesus working as a carpenter while a young adult. It is believed that he began his ministry at age 30 when he was baptized by John the Baptist, who upon seeing Jesus, declared him the Son of God.
After baptism, Jesus went into the Judean desert to fast and meditate for 40 days and nights. The Temptation of Christ is chronicled in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (known as the Synoptic Gospels). The Devil appeared and tempted Jesus three times, once to turn stone to bread, once to cast himself off a mountain where angels would save him, and once to offer him all the kingdoms of the world. All three times, Jesus rejected the Devil’s temptation and sent him off.
Jesus returned to Galilee and made trips to neighboring villages. During this time several people became his disciples. One of these was Mary Magdalene, who is first mentioned the Gospel of Luke (16:9) and later in all four gospels at the crucifixion. Though not mentioned in the context of the “12 disciples,” she is considered to have been involved in Jesus’ ministry from the beginning to his death and after. According to the gospels of Mark and John, Jesus appeared to Magdalene first after his resurrection.

Sai Baba

Life of Shirdi Saibaba

Shri Saibaba of Shirdi lived between 1838 and 1918, whose real name, birthplace and date of birth are not known. An Indian spiritual guru and a fakir that transcended the barriers of religions, Saibaba of Shirdi was regarded with great reverence by both Hindu and Muslim followers. He lived in a mosque and after death his body was cremated in a temple.

His philosophy ingrained 'Shraddha' meaning faith and 'Saburi' meaning compassion. According to him Shraddha and Saburi were the supreme attributes to reach the state of godliness.

It is believed that at a tender age of 16 yrs Shri Saibaba arrived at the village of Shirdi in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra and remained their till his death. He found shelter in Khandoba temple, where a villager Mahalsapathi in the temple addressed him as Sai or Saint.

Saibaba of Shirdi lived an extremely simple and austere life, sleeping on the floor of temple and later taking a ruined mosque as his shelter. With his arrival to Shirdi, in no time he began exhibiting a hypnotic attraction among people as they began flocking to him. He is attributed many miracles doing things that were beyond a mortal's power. He never discouraged these attributes and soon his fame spread like wild fire. Many pilgrims came seeking his blessings. Such was his hypnotism that even the mundane of his activities attracted large crowds.

Popular among both Hindus and Muslims, Shri Saibaba became a great building force between the two disparate communities. He regularly recited Hindu and Muslim prayers. His Hindu followers considered him to be an avatar or reincarnation of Shiva and Dattatreya. Sai Baba did not leave any written works. All his teachings were oral and catchy. His sayings were short, crisp and in layman language with which the common mass could easily associate.

Saibaba encouraged charity and said, "Unless there is some relationship or connection, nobody goes anywhere. If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive them away, but receive them well and treat them with due respect."

Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi was unique in the sense that he lived his message through the essence of his being. He lived among the common people adorning a torn kafni (long robe), sleeping over a mat while using brick as his headrest and got his food by begging. Such was his smile that radiated a mystical charisma and deep seated inward look that hypnotized the people who visited him.

His most concise message for one and all alike was "Why fear when I am here".
Saibaba said that he was a slave in the service of those who loved him. He was ever living to help those who turn to him and that he has to take care of his children day and night.

Saibaba's mission was to restore belief in god and according to him, "I give people what they want in the hope that they will begin to want what I want to give them (knowledge of the Ultimate)." He then taught values of total surrender to the Almighty Master (ALLAH MALIK EK- The only ONE) and experiences his grace.

Today, Shri Saibaba has millions of devotees in India and abroad. Shirdi, the obscure village in Maharashtra has become a pilgrimage destination much as Bethlehem, Jerusalem or Varanasi. With over 25,000 pilgrims thronging in here each day the number of pilgrims climb to over a hundred thousand on holidays and festival days. There are over 2,000 major Sai temples in different parts of India and 150 abroad in places as far-flung as Canada and Kenya, Singapore and England.


The origin of Gajanan Maharaj is untraceable.
Gajanan Maharaj is prince amongst saints who first appeared in Shegaon on 23rd February 1878 . A rich moneylender Bankatlal Agarwal is credited with discovering Maharaj at 12.22 pm while scratching food particles from abandoned patravalis to give credence to the saying that Food is Bhahma and should not be wasted. " Annam Brahmeti " is what Maharaj seemed to have expressed. Maharaj was scantily attired and made gesticulations befitting an insane person. But it is the greatness of Bankatlal who did not consider him as insane and logically argued as to why Maharaj must be scratching food particles when sumptuous food was available nearby in a family celebrating a fertility ritual.
There are different schools of thought as to the origin of Maharaj. However no one has been able to conclusively prove when and where Maharaj was born and how he came to Shegaon.
According to Shri Dada saheb Khaparde , a close associate of Lokmanya Tilak , Maharaj was a erudite Brahmin from Telanghana or modern Andhra Pradesh and was well versed in Vedic scriptures and knowledge . Some people have had heard Maharaj speak in Telugu dialect. Many are of the opinion that Maharaj seldom spoke and often made utterances which were cryptic which people could not immediately relate or understand.
Some researchers are of the opinion that Maharaj ran away from home when a small child of 11 or 12 years . He is supposed to have born to a couple identified as Bhavaniram and Shahubai. Gana Sable is supposed to be Maharaj’s name according this group.It is claimed that Maharaj was born in Thal , a hamlet close to Shegaon. A group of people headed by Shri Dada Pandey of Nagpur are setting up a Pratisthan called Sri Gajanan Maharaj Janmasthan Pratishthan in Thal. There is however no clinching evidence , but Pandey swears otherwise . Those with inquisitive bent of mind may contact Shri Dada Pandey at Sri Gajanan kripa , Near Nehru Putla, Itwari , Nagpur 440 002 on Tel No 0712-761578.
It is said that Maharaj was seen by his mother in a fair and when she pleaded with to return home , Maharaj then unknown is supposed to have said – "Ab hum tumhare nahin aur tum hamare nahin" ( now I am not yours, nor you, mine )
In his book " Shegavicha Saavla Deva " the author Sumanbandhu has tried to examine the origin of Maharaj . According to one source in Khamgaon , Shri Pethare , Maharaj was from a family of Deshastha Brahmins of Latkar lineage and Gargya gotra. Another scholarly source from Nagpur Late Shri Aprabuddha claimed that Maharaj was from the family of Gokhales.
It is believed that Maharaj was in the ashram of Akkalkot Swami Samartha for a few days. The young boy when on the way to Akkalkot made Swami say " Ganapati aala re aala " while playing chess, with a reference to Bal Gajanan ( Maharaj). A photo of 11 year old maharaj can be seen in Amravati in Narayan Jamkar’s temple. After getting initial lessons, Maharaj was directed to go and seek training from Yashwant Deo Mamlatdar in Nasik. Maharaj is supposed to have abandoned all his clothes and ran towards Nasik. There in Nasik, Maharaj used to hold several parleys with Brajabhooshan , a great devotee of the Sun God. Deo is supposed to have also put Maharaj in contact with Raghunathdas who was staying near Kapildhara . Thus a rough cut diamond was being polished to attain glitter. Maharaj imbibed lessons in Yoga sadhana, meditation, and detachment. and later attained tremendous prowess in Yoga sadhana under Narsing baba of Akot, a disciple of Kotashya Valli who came from Punjab to Akot in 1850.
While Maharaj was performing sadhana , one Balshastri Gadge of Laad- Karanjya was impressed with the young boy and waited till he finished with his sadhana. Upon completion, Bal shastri is supposed to have invited Maharaj to Lad Karanjya in Vidhabha and Maharaj seems to have obliged. This period is reckoned as 1865when Maharaj stepped into Vidharbha as a young shining star on the horizon.
Maharaj and Bal shastri went to Murtizapur and Maharaj was taken in procession from the Rly Station to Karanja. From there Maharaj suddenly disappeared putting Balshastri in a quandry . However he was traced later and brought back to Shastri’s house. In Shastri’s house, Maharaj imbibed finer points of Vedshastra and music.
From here Maharaj went to Baggi via Chandur where he took darshan of Maniram Baba , a realised soul who hailed from Ayodhya.
From here Maharaj came to Akot and spent a couple of years with Narsing baba . Narsing baba was senior in age, wearing a cloth turban and a " cloth" to cover the vital organs , carrying a stick in his hand. Narsing Baba used to live in a small hut and would wander in the thick jungles fearlessly where wild animals would wander. Perhaps his power was so large that even wild animals must have been tamed by his prowess. Gajanan Maharaj performed the yogic feet of getting the water level in the well to rise upon which Narsing Baba is supposed to have cautioned him not to demonstrate his prowess as devotees would trouble him. Maharaj used these powers sparingly thereafter .
In the jungles of Akot , while Maharaj without any clothes on his body , was in deep meditation . A nomadic woman got attracted to Maharaj’s strong frame and sharp features and under the act of touching Maharaj’s feet , came physically close to Maharaj with a view to fufill her biological desires.
Maharaj had achieved great control over His five senses and was not to be tempted by such desires - " jitendriya " that He was - just a seminal discharge of a drop rendered the dry grass scorch and turn black. This woman then realised that if the biological union with her was to really happen , she could be turned to ashes herself. She then apologised for her conduct and went away. ( source - V K Phadke in the souvenir released to inaugurate GM temple in Kanhor, Badlapur )

After supervising Narsing Baba’s samadhi arrangements on 28-1-1888 , Maharaj is supposed to have calmed the bereaved devotees/disciples of Narsing Baba with some soothing and comforting advice and then, moved to Shegaon at the behest of HIS MASTER, Guru Swami Samartha.